About Us

Our interest and dedication

What's the ISEG

The Information Systems Engineering Group (ISEG) consists of researchers, PHDs, and students from the Julius-Maximilians-University Wuerzburg. The Group is dedicated to the topics of computer science and information systems. We improve people's lives through software and we develop features and solutions to digitize and optimize enterprises.

By further developing ideas and operationalizing software created in the academic environment, we want to break up the stigma of universities as theory forges and ivory towers. Our Projects are either driven by cooperating with industry or research.

  • 🚀 we are interested in, open to and driven by new technologies
  • 🔬 Our substencial base is research in the field of computer science
  • 🌱 We drive sustainability, social well-being and high-impact issues.
  • 🌍 The ISEG is a open space for students from all disciplines
  • 🍧 We form focus driven teams between researchers / PHDs and students
  • 💻 we develop software solutions, features and functions for companies and society


Software artifacts and research from ISEG


Anomaly and Outlier Detection for Enterprise Software Systems (ERP, CRM, SCM) based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms.

Solar based Sheduling

Application to schedule customer appointments for a energy intensive show room, based on predicted solar energy, localy stored energy from Accumulators, and prognosed energy consumption.

Walls APP

App for automatic measurement and consumption calculation of filler for drywall. Data set with pictures of construction sites with drywall, labelled with measurements.

Return Shipment Prediction

Prediction of product returns for a online shops using a dataset from a technical wholesale company


Web application as a database for a more sustainable selection of materials for the plastics industry

Smart Material Database

Crawler and databse for Materials Management. for an easier search for suppliers.

🚧 AS A CPOMPANY - start a project with us!

Our work and research is motivated by specific problems that arise from collaborations with industry partners. One idea behind ISEG is to increase collaboration between universities and companies in the field of information systems. So, we are interested in your ideas and topics.

We specialize in providing high-quality software to companies of all sizes, and we have the experience and expertise necessary to deliver innovative solutions that meet unique requirements. With our knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and our innovation driven culture we can provide custom solutions that are tailored to a specific vision.

🧪 join forces with academia to stay innovative

Partner with us and experience the benefits of working with research. There are several ways to work with us, to begin your path to innovation, get in touch with us!

💡FOR STUDENTS - join us!

We encourage students who are interested in Software to work with us. Experience in software development is desired but not required. We have many tasks that don't require coding skills; you can help with requirements engineering, project management, data collection, testing, evaluation, etc. So, work with us to build and deploy functions, features and applications.

🎒 Things you should bring with you

  • You should have a strong interest in computer science or informations systems
  • You should be interessted in reasearch.
  • You should be JMU student, as we are currently limited

👩‍🎓 Values we would like to see in you

Knowledge driven: You should want to learn continuously and have an interesst in research. This can involve reading books or papers, working on own projects, re-implementing research papers, etc. theres much to learn, but we guide you!

Flexible:You should be willing to dive into different topics and leave your comfort zone. You may work on data acquisition, conduct user interviews, develop and test software or create UIs. This may also require learning to do new tasks in which you’re not an expert. don't worry we help you!

Teamwork: We work together in small teams. You are expected to support and collaborate with others; in turn you will also receive support from other members of the group.

📨 Interessted? Apply to work with us by writing an Email

Core Team

Researchers, project team, supervisiors including alumni

Christoph Tomitza

PHD scholar// research assistant

Research in applied machine learning, and customer behaviour.

Myriam Schaschek

PHD scholar// research assistant

Research in BPM, process mininig, predictive process analytics, and AI.

Christian Zeiß

PHD scholar// research assistant

Research in Blockchain, DLT and technology adoption.

Lukas-Valentin Herm

PHD scholar// research assistant

Research in hyperautomation, XAI and cognitive load theory.

Nicolas Neiß

PHD scholar// research assistant

Research in process science, predictive analytics, technology adoption.

Norman Pytel

PHD scholar// research assistant

Research in blockchain integration and sustainability.

Fabian Gwinner

PHD scholar // research assistant

Research in applied ML, XAI, and behaviour science.

Adrian Hofmann

PHD // founder // CTO

Research in process sience and analytics, and DLT, founder pax-ray.

Lisa Straub

PHD scholar // research assistant

Research in process sience and technology adoption.

Students & contributers

Student members and contributors including alumni

Walter White

Master Student

Walter White

Master Student

Walter White

Master Student

Walter White

Master Student

Walter White

Master Student



Sanderring 2, GER 97070 Würzburg

Contact Person / Spokesman

Prof. Axel Winkelmann